Midge strives to provide quality garments and a curated collection of American-made merchandise — looking away from fast fashion and short-lived trends, promoting classic, timeless styles to be worn and loved for years to come. Why do we insist on American-made? Below are a few of the reasons.
U.S. Jobs & Small Business
Patronage of U.S.-based brands and products helps our economy, creating more jobs and opportunities for people across the country. By promoting U.S. brands, many of which are “small batch” or independent specialty “mom and pop” lines, we are able to support other American small businesses, making our dollars go further. For every $1 spent with a small business, $0.67 stays in their community. Buying small has a big impact on our local and national economies.
Labor & Safety Laws
Buying products that are manufactured in the U.S. ensures workers’ rights are being protected. The U.S. maintains higher standards for working conditions and compensation. American-made merchandise is also safer due to Consumer Protection Laws, requiring rigorous testing and compliance regulations.
When it comes to the garment industry in particular, roughly 85% of the global workforce is comprised of women. Unfortunately, workers in this industry are also some of the lowest paid in the world.
Clean Air & Water
Environmental regulations are another important part of buying American. The U.S. requires manufacturers to be conscious of water, air, and soil pollution—garnering “cleaner” production. The carbon footprint of merchandise is also smaller when fuels and resources are not used to ship items across oceans and over long distances.
Who Made My Clothes?
Fashion Revolution has a mission to promote human rights, good working conditions, environmental improvements, and much more — hoping to bridge the disconnect between the modern consumer and the production of apparel. If you are interested in learning more about manufacturing in the garment industry, listed below are a few resources we’ve found impactful.